Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Brief Photo Commentary

Almost every day in the car, I see something and want to smack my head on the dashboard for not having a camera with me. Like one day, I saw this white van that had a cosmetology head mounted on it's antenna. You know, those toy, life-sized doll heads you get as a young girl (or flamboyant boy), where you can fix their hair and do their make up. No kidding, it was sitting on the hood of this van with the antenna running straight out of the top of its head. Moments JUST LIKE THAT.

Well, these are a few where I DID have my camera. None like the doll head, but they still caught my attention.

LaMona's Cut-N-Up
No longer open. Perhaps LaMona did a little TOO much cut-n-up!
LaMona quit the hair styling business to pursue a career in comedy.

Now, I don't mean to state the obvious. Wait, yes I do.
I think Pappy did his own signage.
Antiques? Old? Used? How about "confused," cause I think those are all the same.

Construction started with this sign. Neighbors jumped the gun and had to dismantle their protest after the realization that this was indeed not a Gentleman's Club for the good 'ole boys.

1 comment:

JAY S. said...

These are fabulous! Keep that camera in the car girl, because you are close to some gems over there in the neighborhood. ON a recent trip to Huntsville, AL, Kristi and I passed by one of the more famous hot spots off of I-65—the Boobie Bungalow.