Tuesday, October 16, 2007

There are some things I just don't need to know.

So, there’s a pregnant woman working at an undisclosed Exxon station who apparently wants to have her tubes tied. How do I know this, you wonder. Glad you asked.
Because as I was getting my morning caffeine on my way to work, I stood between two store employees who were having a very un-private conversation across the store… literally across the store. The pregnant woman was discussing her OBGYN appointments and how someone she knows is trying to dissuade her from having her tubes tied.

I glanced around the store. Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?

“Well, she can’t force me to have another damn baby,” she stated.

Seriously, are you having this conversation… here? Now?

The girl working the register was relatively quiet and I made the assumption that she was just as appalled at the unprofessional behavior on display. That was, until she started spouting off expletives as she joined their conversation after she finished my transaction.

I guess the upside is that they weren’t talking about menstrual cycles or their sex lives. But then again, there aren’t really levels of inappropriateness. It either is or isn’t.
And, if talking about your female doctor visits and medical procedures on your reproductive organs isn’t inappropriate for that situation, I don’t know what is.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

“Well, she can’t force me to have another damn baby...”

Wow! How many many times have I said the same thing, in public spaces!?! JBo, are you sure that wasn't me?