Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tangelo, I love you so!

"I'm totally addicted to these things."

"What is it?"

"A tangelo. They are gooood."

"I've never had one."

"Oh my gosh! Here, take one and try it. You're missing out."

"What is again?"

"A tangelo... it's like an orange-sized tangerine."

Later in the day, my phone rings.


"I'm just calling to say how much I love the ta-ang-ge-lo."

"Didn't I tell you? They are sooo good."

"I'm just sayin', you've revolutionalized my orange eating. I love the ta-ang-ge-lo."

"I love how you keep making that a four-syllable word! It's tan-ge-lo."


"Right. You've got it."

"You should blog about it. The whole world needs to know about the ta-ang-ge-lo."

Yes world- you do need to know about the tangelo. And it has THREE syllables!!!

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