Monday, February 4, 2008

The Best of Both Worlds

Ask me what I did this weekend. Be prepared to be jealous though. I saw Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both World Concert in 3D. Twice. That’s right- I’m thirty-five, without child and I was there. As my niece would say, “Don’t hate me ‘cause you ain’t me.”

Let me clarify though. As an independent contractor with Disney, I was assigned to see it. People paid $15 per ticket to see it. I was paid. Attendees were sectioned off in a separate area at the theater while they waited to go in. All showings were sold out. This was a big deal. This was Hannah Montana. This was the epitome of obsession. This was also one of the most interesting experiences I have ever had in my life.

Sure, I expected the little girls to be excited. I wasn’t too surprised by the Hannah Montana wigs they were wearing, or the screaming. Okay, I was a little surprised by the screaming. I mean Hannah Montana wasn’t actually there- it was a movie. I didn’t realize people actually screamed at movies. They did. A lot. But, these are young girls and that behavior is not odd. Their mothers on the other hand…

These were grown women with cameras. I’m sure they wanted to capture the memory of their daughter’s obsession excitement to show them later in life. That would explain why so many of them were snapping photos of their daughters with friends before the show began. Not every little girl got to go this weekend. Pictures would prove they were there. Those photographic moments can be explained. What cannot be explained is why these same mothers were taking pictures of the movie screen during the show. Seriously. Cameras were pointed up at the projection as mothers tried to snap pictures of Hannah Montana on screen. Let’s neglect the fact that this is in 3D. They did. I know those pictures couldn't have turned out that great. Mine didn't.

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