Thursday, February 28, 2008

Under the Weather

So, you know that phrase people use when they're not feeling well? They're "under the weather". Well, I don't really know what that is suppose to mean exactly, but that's me. Not only do I feel under the weather, but I feel like the weather just pimp-slapped me, threw me down, and is sitting on top of me until I yell "uncle". And, I'll be honest- I'm not that prideful. "UNCLE, UNCLE, UNCLE."

It hit me Tuesday and I've been down with aches, chest congestion, a fever, and sore throat. Thankfully I had Zicam on hand and started it immediately once I woke up Tuesday with a tight feeling in my chest. Because of that, I don't think it's as severe, or will last as long as it would have otherwise.

All that to say- I had promised myself more posts this week and it hasn't happened. Right now, the only thing I can think about is going back to bed. So, in regards to this feeling of being "under the weather," I'm ready to be over it.


Jeremy said...

I hope you get Over the Weather.

Kristi said...

Everywhere you go, you always take the weather with you.

Get well soon, dear one!