Monday, February 18, 2008

When Candyland Isn't All Fun and Games

Jon and I went to visit my family this past weekend. Within two minutes of our arrival, my six-year old niece started taunting me with the promise of good times.

I scooped her up in my arms and her first words were, “Guess what we can play when we get home? Four people can play!”


“Candyland. Four people can play.”

Suddenly I realized why she was so excited. Who doesn’t love Candyland and who doesn’t want to spend their Friday night playing a game where you move one orange or two blues and you pray that you don’t get stuck on Licorice Lane and lose a turn, or worse yet- draw the gingerbread card and get sent back to the beginning? I quickly secured our places in the game- because only FOUR could play.

Since we met my family at the kids’ school for my nephew’s basketball game, Hannah Grace rode back to the house with me and Jon. She talked about Candyland all the way home and it didn’t take long for the trash-talking to start.

Hannah: “I’m good at Candyland. I play on the computer and the real game.”
Jon: “I think I’m going to win.”
Hannah: “No, I’m gonna win.”

Me, pointing at myself: “Hannah, you know who’s good at Candyland.”
Hannah: “I’m gonna win ‘cause I’ve been practicing every day on the computer AND the real game.”

Jon: “Well, you better bring it.”
Hannah: “I will bring it.”
Jon: “I’m gonna bring it double-time.”
Hannah: “I’m gonna bring it four doubles.”

I turn and look at Jon. “I can’t believe you’re talking smack with my six-year old niece.”

And then, from the backseat we hear Hannah, “I’m gonna smoke all of y’all.”

Oh, GAME ON girlie! And who won the game? Let’s just say the next day when we were talking about Candyland (because talking about Candyland doesn’t stop just because the game does), Hannah turned to me and said, “Aunt Jennifer, you brought it.”

Yeah, but she kicked my butt 6-1 in Old Maid, so I can’t brag too much.


Ray said...

Did I mention that I won Risk TWICE the time before the last time we played? I mean, it's no Candyland, know...twice!

Cherilyn said...

Soon you will all be playing Risk....and there is no better trash-talking than when you're playing the game of world domination!

Kristi said...

Castro got nothin' on y'all

Jen Stadler said...

Ray, Ray... or should I call you Uncle Rico? Stop living in the past man. Let it go.