Sunday, March 30, 2008

Memory Side Effects

A few months ago, I decided to let my hair grow out- for the first time since high school. Then, I got engaged and words like engagement photos and wedding photography joined my world… along with valid fears of my hair and skin being under the scrutiny of 400 eyes on my wedding day. So I did what every woman would do- I bought pre-natal vitamins. That IS what every woman would do, right? Wouldn’t that be the first thing to come to mind? Sure, I thought about regular vitamins (the non-pre-natal kind), but since I’m getting married and I won’t be taking birth control pills, I thought I could kill two birds with one stone and nourish my hair and uterus at the same time. You’re welcome, future baby.

Since taking two vitamins in the past two weeks, I haven’t really noticed a change in my hair health or length. Vitamin regularity would probably be beneficial, but I’m optimistic nonetheless. This week, I’ll try harder to remember my vitamins because if I happen to get pregnant and fat within the next year, I better at least have pretty hair.

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