Saturday, February 9, 2008

Indicators of Growth

I know it's bad when I see a photo of myself taken less than a year ago and I notice how much slimmer my face looks. Seriously? Maybe it's the lighting, I tell myself. Surely I haven't been eating that much. I dismiss it. I was probably thrusting my chin forward when it was taken. It's a photo trick that makes you look thinner. Or like a freak. Either one. But then I get dressed. I pull on my jeans that I haven't washed in six wears and realize they should be looser by now. Instead, my thighs are screaming for air. I do a few lunges and squats, hoping to loosen my jeans and burn 1/2 a calorie. They are still too clingy. I decide I need to eat better... and less. At the end of the work day, I head to the Y to burn off the soft drink, four cookies, and chips I snacked on during the day. I work out, then feel bad about how undisciplined I was with my snacking, so I comfort my discouragement by eating some chocolate. Tomorrow is a new day and day eight of jean wear. Surely they will be looser!


Nanette R. said...

I'm right there with you in all of this. I am disgusted daily with my lack of discipline in the eating area and I get so discouraged when I exercise and it doesn't seem to make a difference. At least you're not over 40 when your metabolism slows to a snail's pace (and mine wasn't much better than that pre-40). Let's go get some ice cream!

Kristi said...

I was hoping for spiritual, intellectual, personal growth by the title of your email. Sadly, I have enough "Indicators of Growth" such as you reference. >:P